Sep 1, 2019



WWW  refer World Wide Web simply known as web, developed in late 1980s by Tim Burner Lee. It is a system of creating, organizing and linking of documents. The document must be in HTML hyper test markup language also known web pages. WWW also connect the collection of public web pages to the internet worldwide that stored on web servers, for the connecting the web pages to the internet it used some protocol means rule or law that is HTTP hypertext transfer protocol by using this protocol it make internet to the web server connection. where the web sites is the collection all relating web pages and the first web page is called homepage. The web server is actually hosted  computer devices that stored thousand of web sites in their memory which connect to he internet through WWW with a specified rules and protocols. The transferring of web sites to the web server is called uploading. Where the transferring of data and information from the websites on server to the devices through web browser is called downloading. Web browser which make graphically interface between user to web sites that may be Google chrome, UC browser,Bing, Internet explore, Firefox  etc. And we use URL uniform resource locator to search our desired data. 

  Usually it take that internet and WWW is same thing or part of internet but it is wrong theory, because WWW and internet are two different things internet means the connection between computers and devices to share data and information. Where the WWW is the collection of public pages store on web server connect to the internet.




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