Sep 22, 2019


proposal writing
proposal definition

 Proposal is a starting point of your ideas by identifying the key issue, method and sources that you plan to use to developed a project for your audience.  Proposal can be changeable as the projects unfold.

 Your proposal should be realistic and easy vocabulary that your audience can digest easily. Be specific and clear about the method of meeting all goals. Give exact scope what will you do and what not necessary. Time is the most important for any project so your proposal be precise with the time schedule.

 Purpose of proposal can be for small scale and bigger scale, smaller such as communicating strategic issues throughout the company, where bigger proposal can be, to sell property, such as airplanes, machines, buildings
smaller scale proposal, bigger scale proposal
scale of proposal

There may be two types of proposal
           a.       Internal proposal
           b.      External proposal

Internal proposal means a party within your organization writes a proposal, such as your boss at company or government agency.

Where external proposal mean an individual or organization outside your organization.

There may be following kinds of proposal,
          1.       Business proposal
          2.       Financial proposal
          3.       Sales and marketing proposal
          4.       Research and grant proposal
          5.       Book and articles proposal 
                                                                   Go detail to the kinds

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