Sep 29, 2019


logical gates
logic gates

  Logical gates are the operator which connect two or more input signals by checking logic between them and form a new signals.
  Some basic logical gates are and the form which easy to understand.
       1.       Not gate
       2.       And gate
       3.       Or gate
       4.       Nand gate
       5.       Nor gate
       6.       Exclusive OR gate 
       7.       Exclusive NOR  gate

  Not gate also known as inverter. The function of this gate is to invert the given value when we apply Not gate to a binary value it invert that value. For instance we give 1 to Not gate it convert into 0 and vice versa. We can give only one value at a time to not gate.
Note: 1 means present of current and, 0 means absent of current. And we take True as 1 and False as 0.

Symbol of NOT gate:
logical not gate,
not gate

Ā= A not

Truth table for NOT gate:
not truth table
truth table for not gate

   AND gate is a basic logic gate. For understanding this operator let A and B are two binary values. The logic of A and B denoted by A . B (A dot B), A . B is true when both A and B are true otherwise false at any other conditions. For the result become true all the given condition must be true.

Symbol of AND gate:
logical and gate
and gate
Truth table for AND gate:
and gate truth table
truth table for and gate

   OR gate is also a digital logic gate which can operate in binary number such as A and B are two values. In OR gate the result value became false when the given two are false other true at any other condition.
Note: 1 means present of current and, 0 means absent of current. And we take, True as 1 and False as 0.

Symbol for OR gate:
logical or gate
or gate
Truth table for OR gate:
or gate truth table
truth table for or gate

 NAND gate is actually the combination of and gate and not gate. If we put NOT gate after AND gate then it will became NAND gate. It inverts the AND gate result.

Symbol for NAND gate:
logical nand gate
nand gate
Truth table for NAND gate:
nand gate truth table
truth table for nand gate

It is actually the combination of OR gate and not gate. If we put NOT gate after OR gate then it will became NOR gate. It inverts the result of OR gate.

 Symbol for NOR gate
logical nor gate
nor gate
Truth table for NOR gate:
nor gate truth table
truth table for nor gate
 Let A and B are two values. The Exclusive OR A and B are denoted by pÅq is the Exclusive OR that is true when exactly one of the A and B is true and false otherwise. It mean pÅq is true if only one given value is exactly true otherwise if both/all condition true then the result will be false so only one condition should true.

Symbol for Exclusive OR gate:

xor gate, logical xor gate
exclusive or gate
Truth table for Exclusive OR gate:
truth table for xor gate, xor truth table
truth table for exclusive or gate
It also is the combination of Exclusive OR gate and not gate. If we put NOT gate after Exclusive OR gate then it will became NOR gate. It inverts the result of Exclusive OR gate. Means the result will true if the both inputs have same value.

Symbol for Exclusive NOR gate:
xnor gate, logical xnor gate
exclusive nor gate
Truth table for Exclusive nor gate:
xnor truth table, exclusive nor truth table
truth table for exclusive nor gate


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