Jan 28, 2020

C# Keywords and Meaning

c# keywords and definitions,keywords in c sharp,  c# keywords and definitions pdf,c# implicit keyword,,virtual keyword in c#, out keyword c#, c# in keyword, c# static keyword, keyword in c#
c# keywords

To print
To accept/take values
To accept/take values/character
When method return nothing
To declare any string null means string having no character.
To declare an integer variable             ( value type)
To declare a float variable (suffix, f)     ( value type)
To declare a double float variable       ( value type)
To declare a decimal variable             ( value type)
To declare long integer variable          ( value type)
To declare character variable             ( value type)
To declare string variable                (Reference type)
To declare an object variable          (Reference type)
Used for returning true or false result only
int [ ]
integer array
float [ ]
To declare a float variable (prefix, f)
double [ ]
To declare a double float array  variable
decimal [ ]
To declare a decimal array  variable
long [ ]
To declare long array integer variable
String [ ]
To declare string array variable
char [ ]
To declare character array variable
Object [ ]
To declare an object array variable
To perform power calculation of numbers
Math. Sin
To perform sin calculation of numbers
Math. Cos
To perform cos calculation of numbers
Math. tan
To perform tan calculation of numbers
Math. Asin
To perform arcsin
Math. Acos
To perform arccos
To perform arctan
For the value of pie
Math. Ceiling
To find ceiling of any decimal number
Math. Floor
To find Floor of any decimal number
Math. Log10
To find log of any number
Math. Max
To find the maximum values from two values
Math. Min
To find the minimum values of from two values
To declare a class
To make a class partial so it can be reuse
Sealed class
To declare a class sealed
To override an existing method/member of class
To declare static class/class member/
For enum declaration
To make a class/ class member/variable etc. public
To make a class/ class member/variable etc. private
For using an action delegate
For using a func delegate
For using predicate delegate
To. Lower 
To change the string case in lower case
To. Upper
To change the string case in upper case
Str. Length
To check or find the length of string
. Parse(dot Parse)
To change string input into relevant data type
value f
F suffix with value to clarity the value as Float type
Get accessor used to getting values
Set accessot used to set values
Give different meaning in different states
To define structure
To define an interface with name 'I'

c# keywords and definitions,keywords in c sharp,  c# keywords and definitions pdf,c# implicit keyword,
C# fixed keywords

Symbol keyword
Assignment operator, to assign values to variable
= =
Equal operator
! =
Is not equal operator
         > =
< =
Smaller than equal to operator
[ ]
Array representation
For add number and join strings
For find subtraction  numbers
For find multiplication numbers
For find divide numbers
For find modules of numbers
For comment a single line
Starting commenting blocks of statement  
Ending commenting block of statement
To end a statement and start from  a new line
To spacing in message in WriteLine (“\t”)
{ }
Format specifier/ opening and closing body
“ ”
- -
To write string words/sentence


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Shift + Alt + A
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Ctrl + O
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Ctrl + S
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Alt + Enter
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 Ctrl + Shift + B
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Ctrl + Shift + S
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Ctrl + C
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Ctrl + X
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Ctrl + V
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Ctrl + Z
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Ctrl + Y
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backspace key
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Del key
To delete character to right cursor
Ctrl + del
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Ctrl + backspace
To delete a word to the left of cursor
Ctrl  + D
To make duplicate of selected code
To start debugging 
Ctrl+ F5
To start program without debugging

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