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anonymous method in c# |
“A method
without any name. Its consists of only body of method called anonymous method.” For
which we use delegate keyword to define a method, and comes in the delegate
It is suggested when the volume of
code is less with in few lines thus it better to create an unnamed method and bind with delegate instead of
making an original method. We never anonymous when the method having g large
volume of code.
1. Defining delegate
First we have to define a delegate
of some name under namespace and should clear the return type at time of
delegate defining let suppose we have a delegate name as Greeting_Delegate ( )
then under namespaces like this here I clear the return type also.
Public delegate string Greeting_Delegate (string str);
2. Instantiating the delegate and anonymous binding the method
Now instead of defining and instantiating
an instance and calling we direct define the method at the time of creating the
delegate in main class of program let see at time of instantiating the instance
Greeting_delegate Obj = delegate (string str)
// the statement that has to execute under this delegate calling.
We write delegate keyword after that the parameter list and
no need to specify the return type because already at the time of delegate defining
we specified the return type. See the examples.
3. Calling the delegate
Same like other delegate it has to
call like them first Obj (object name) and then pass the parameter but it can
be done in two way. Consider the example below
1st way == Obj (“Asif”); //consider
the upper delegate
2nd way == Obj. invoke (“Asif”); // by using invoke method
Example of anonymous in c#
We will
clear the anonymous example by making two program of same logic in first
program we will use the normal delegate to execute the program and after that
we will use the anonymous to run the program.
1st Example
Delegate class
namespace AnoymMethod
public delegate string GreetDelegate(string
str); //delegate defining stage 1
class Greet
public static string Greeting(string
return "Hello " + str +
" Welcome to Newmountain Hotel";
Main program
namespace AnoymMethod
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
GreetDelegate Obj = new
GreetDelegate(Greet.Greeting); //instance of delegate
//calling delegate stage 3
2nd Examples the above program using anonymous
Main program
namespace AnoymMethod
public delegate string GreetDelegate(string
str); //defining delegate stage 1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
GreetDelegate Obj = delegate (string
str) //anonymous method stage 2
return "Hello " +
str + " Welcome to Newmountain Hotel";
Console.WriteLine(Obj("Asif")); //calling delegate/anonymous method S-3
In above program
under namespace we defined delegate by specifying the signature what will be
the return type and how many parameter accept and which type that was stage 1.
In main class instead
of instantiating the instance we defined instance as well anonymous method by binding
the delegate where we only specified the parameter list not the return type
that was stage 2
Finally we called the
delegate who was responsible to execute the anonymous method that declare under
it that was stage 3.
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