Jan 29, 2020


google chrome shortcuts, shortcuts, shortcut keys while using internet
internet shortcuts


Ctrl + O
To open any data/file in internet search engines
Ctrl + N
To open new internet window not tab
Ctrl + Shift + N
To open new internet window with black background
Ctrl + T
To open new tab
Ctrl + F4
To close the open tab
Ctrl + W
To close the internet search engine
Alt + F4
Alt + f4 = =  Ctrl + W
Ctrl + J
To open download window
Ctrl + S
To save page
Ctrl + R / F5
To reload page
Ctrl + ‘+’
To zoom in the tab page
Ctrl + ’- ’
To zoom out the tab page
Ctrl + P
To print the  open page
Ctrl + U
To inspect he open page
Ctrl +  H
To open history
Ctrl + Shift+ T
To open recent close tabs
Ctrl + D
To bookmark page
Ctrl + Shift + O
To open bookmark pages
Ctrl + Shift + D
To bookmark all open tabs
Ctrl + Shift + I / F12
To open Google light house
Ctrl + F / F3
To open find box
Ctrl + numbers (1 to 10)
To switch the tabs in order
Ctrl + Tab
To switch the tabs randomly
Ctrl + page down
To switch the open tab with right tabs
Ctrl + page up
Ro switch the open tab with left tabs
Ctrl + Left arrow key
To go backward pages
Ctrl + Right arrow key
To go  page  forward
Page Down
To scroll down in page
Page Up
To scroll page up / Inverse of page down
Upper arrow key
To scroll page up / Inverse of page down
Down arrow key
To scroll down in page

YouTube shortcut keys

STRING BUILDER C# (sting vs string builder)

stringbuilder java, string builder, python string builder, string builder to string,stringbuilder example,string and stringbuilder
stringbuilder c#


 “StringBuilder is class which is used to store the string data. String builder is mutable in sense we can done modification on string builder”
Syntax = StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (“string”);
            It also a class but it is use in such a condition we have to change the string frequently. In string builder whenever you instance/ define string builder internally a memory space of 16 bits/16 character storing place allocated for that string. Now when we join another string we the existing string if the character less than 16 then it store that memory otherwise it extend its memory allocation automatically doubled of its size and stored the string character, once we have 16 character storing place when the character in string increase and get more than 16 character automatically its increase its size by 32 character storing, and then 64 and then 128 and going on like this when the string character get increased.
Note a point a point here we can keep the size of the string builder in this case it does start by 16 bits its start what we give the size/value, for giving size you should follow this pattern.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (size);    //size in int
Here every time there will be no separate heap memory is not allocate thus the execution time is much smaller than string, in such a way StringBuilder is more efficient than string.  
For example
            When we created first time string builder and write some string like
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (“Hello”);
            sb = Append (“ Everyone”);                        //Append for canonicate the strings ‘+’
            sb = Append (“! And welcome to Gulf”);
In upper simple code when we build a StringBuilder and then give a sting ‘Hello’ internally a memory space of 16 bits allocated and stored Hello in the memory and the remaining 11 bits are still empty, and then when we canonicate Everyone then the remaining  space are getting filled  now it is “Hello Everyone” now 14 bits are covered and only two are empty when in another statement we again canonicate with old, now this time the space we require more than 16 bits so automatically string builder expand its size by double of existence now the memory extend by 32 bits and stored the characters “ Hello Everyone! And welcome to Gulf”. But it can’t possible in string only. The procedures will same for the explicitly size given but when the character once reached it maximum it get doubled in size automatically. 

Jan 28, 2020

C# Keywords and Meaning

c# keywords and definitions,keywords in c sharp,  c# keywords and definitions pdf,c# implicit keyword,,virtual keyword in c#, out keyword c#, c# in keyword, c# static keyword, keyword in c#
c# keywords

To print
To accept/take values
To accept/take values/character
When method return nothing
To declare any string null means string having no character.
To declare an integer variable             ( value type)
To declare a float variable (suffix, f)     ( value type)
To declare a double float variable       ( value type)
To declare a decimal variable             ( value type)
To declare long integer variable          ( value type)
To declare character variable             ( value type)
To declare string variable                (Reference type)
To declare an object variable          (Reference type)
Used for returning true or false result only
int [ ]
integer array
float [ ]
To declare a float variable (prefix, f)
double [ ]
To declare a double float array  variable
decimal [ ]
To declare a decimal array  variable
long [ ]
To declare long array integer variable
String [ ]
To declare string array variable
char [ ]
To declare character array variable
Object [ ]
To declare an object array variable
To perform power calculation of numbers
Math. Sin
To perform sin calculation of numbers
Math. Cos
To perform cos calculation of numbers
Math. tan
To perform tan calculation of numbers
Math. Asin
To perform arcsin
Math. Acos
To perform arccos
To perform arctan
For the value of pie
Math. Ceiling
To find ceiling of any decimal number
Math. Floor
To find Floor of any decimal number
Math. Log10
To find log of any number
Math. Max
To find the maximum values from two values
Math. Min
To find the minimum values of from two values
To declare a class
To make a class partial so it can be reuse
Sealed class
To declare a class sealed
To override an existing method/member of class
To declare static class/class member/
For enum declaration
To make a class/ class member/variable etc. public
To make a class/ class member/variable etc. private
For using an action delegate
For using a func delegate
For using predicate delegate
To. Lower 
To change the string case in lower case
To. Upper
To change the string case in upper case
Str. Length
To check or find the length of string
. Parse(dot Parse)
To change string input into relevant data type
value f
F suffix with value to clarity the value as Float type
Get accessor used to getting values
Set accessot used to set values
Give different meaning in different states
To define structure
To define an interface with name 'I'

Jan 26, 2020


extension method,c# extension, get file extension in c#, c# extend class,c# static extension method
c# extension method


            “The mechanism of adding new method in an existing class and also a structure without changing the source code of original class is called extension method. In this process we don’t need any permission of the original class to modify it”. This feature is not available in visual version that less than 3.0. in c#.net the extension method represent by normal method representation along with arrow down symbol.  

Procedure to make an extension class

            It is necessary that you must have an existing class, and if it is sealed class or you don’t want any changing in original class still want to add some new method in it. In such scenario we use extension method in three simple steps.
Step1.  Create a new class, where the method will going to static so the class will also be static, like this
            Public static class <New-Class> ()
Step2. In this class write your method but note a point here all the method that you are going to add should be static method.
            Public static class <New-Class> ()
              New static methods;
Step3. Bind your class to the existing class. Using ‘this’ keyword we will bind a class to another class like.
            Public static class <New-Class> (this existing-class Obj)
              New static methods;
Interesting point
Ques. To call the static method in main program first we create instance of original class and then we call the existing as well as our defined static method by using instance. But the point is that the static method can’t call by instance it should call by class name then why the confusion here?
Ans,    The answer is our defined class will remain static until we don’t bind with other class or structure but once we bond the class with the original class our static class automatically changes into non-static form static class or a method, that’s why we can call the method by the instance of class.
Points to be noted
        1.    If we define an extension method that have same name and signature of that existing method in original class then always the original method will call, we can’t able to call  the extension method.
       2.    While creating new class we have taken a parameter like
 Public static class <New-Class> (this existing-class Obj/parameter)
But at calling time we need not to pass any value, because ‘this existing-class’ we use for binding not for taking any parameter thus it’s not consider as parameter.
       3.    Referring point 2, how is it possible to take any parameter for extension class then yes of course we take parameter, but it will define after the binding code after colon. Like this
Public static class <New-Class> (this existing-class Obj, int a, double b)
Here the binding parameter code does not consider as parameter but the rest will consider as parameter.
       4.    Method can be extension/add in a class using inheritance but in this such as if a class is sealed then, so many problem in inheritance method thus it is a weak process as compare extension method