Dec 4, 2019


google search ranking,seo, search engine optimization,seo 2019,white label seo


 "SEO stand for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. The method and technique to increase quality organic traffics or visitor on your website and to rank your website in top searches of a search engine, is known as Search Engine Optimization."
            It targets such type of searches that may be image search, video and audio search, document search and field search. Site improvement (SEO) especially spins around Google today. Be that as it may, the training we currently known as SEO really pre-dates the world's most prominent web index helped to establish by Larry Page and SergeyBrin two Stanford University students in California. In spite of the fact that it could be contended that SEO and everything web index showcasing started with the dispatch of the primary site distributed in 1991, or maybe when the principal web index propelled, the tale of SEO "officially" starts somewhat later, around 1997.
The term SEO introduced because there was a lot of website and pages containing same contents and search keywords thus it’s difficult to search engine to show the website by rank, which page or site to show against a keyword then the term SEO introduced to solve this problem that the site mostly arranged their contents such as image text and videos according the specific rule and condition given by the search engine authorities. The most of the website are optimized the maximum chance of showing their contents in search engine search result. In the beginning there were two type of SEO optimization one is On-pages Optimization and the second is Off-page Optimization and considered that these contribute 70% Off-page Optimization and 30% On-page Optimization in SEO Optimization. But with the passage of time these idea and theory changed and a new term Technical Optimization also include in it, thus we have three methods to optimize our sites.
1.      On-Page Optimization
2.      Off-Page Optimization
 And the flow of contribution also changed in SEO Optimization and now it is considered that On-page Optimization contributes 70% and Of-page Optimization contributes 30%. And remaining term Technical Optimization, it also has its own value in SEO.
Now there are two different way to Organic Optimized one is strictly prohibited  form search engine and another method mostly like and appreciable by search engines that’s are.
                 a.       White Hat SEO
                 b.      Black Hat SEO
White Hat SEO is the one by which we can Optimized our contents and websites accordingly to the terms, rules and condition of search engine. It is the best approaches to Optimized and high-ranked our website in search result and by this method we can stay in search results for a long time.
Black Hat SEO is the second method of SEO. No doubt by using this way we can ranked and got traffic much faster than White Hat but it considered as a crime by search engine because in this way of SEO we would have been violating and breaking the rules and the term and conditions of search engine of SEO. If any site found doing Black Hat SEO then the site will penalized and remove from the search engine for the rest of life. Authorities may have to pay high amount and also be arrested.


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